Parkhead Roar

Panoramic painting titled The Parkhead Roar at Celtic Park by Alistair Kerr.

Art Prints
These are full image sizes plus a white border all round and will be sent rolled in a tube except the 8" x 20" which will be sent with a black mount.

Canvas Prints are supplied stretched and ready to hang. Please allow 2 weeks delivery for this type of print.

Larger sizes and framing service available on request.

Prices include UK delivery

Order Ref. AK017

Location: Parkhead

Artist Alistair Kerr

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Panoramic painting titled The Parkhead Roar at Celtic Park by Alistair Kerr.

Art Prints
These are full image sizes plus a white border all round and will be sent rolled in a tube except the 8" x 20" which will be sent with a black mount.

Canvas Prints are supplied stretched and ready to hang. Please allow 2 weeks delivery for this type of print.

Larger sizes and framing service available on request.

Prices include UK delivery

Order Ref. AK017

Location: Parkhead

Artist Alistair Kerr

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